Submission Form

Fill out a listing submission form today for a chance to be featured on our website! 

Listing Submission Form
Please fill out the form below and we will respond to confirm we've received your submission. Please provide any important details about yourself in the box provided below or attach a document as well as a promo photo or graphic to accompany your listing.
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What type of listing would you like to submit?
You can choose more than one

Here's what your submission would look like:

Listing Submission Example

Band/Artist Name

Music Genre

This is where your description will go, so our readers can learn all about you!

  • Submissions are only open to Virginia-based musicians.
  • When uploading your images, please choose a square image centered on the artist(s). A shot of the artist’s face is encouraged, but not required.
  • In the details section, please include whatever links you would like us to include (including websites, socials, landing pages, etc.) Please include no more than three links in your submission.
  • Though it is not required, we recommend making your description around 50-80 words long to make sure it fits well on the page.
  • Please note that, on this site, we use the term “Artist” to refer to Musical Performing Artists. We are not currently taking submissions from other types of artists.
  • For users that register on our website, we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can contact SVMF at if they would like any information on their profile to be changed or removed.
  • For more information, please visit our FAQ page!

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